Yoga twists, what are they good for?
- Twists rotate the spine and stretch the muscles of the back. We restore the spine and retain the spine’s natural range of motion. We keep the joints flexible. In a twist, the muscles are extending to their full length and so we prevent the soft tissue to become short and dysfunctional.
- In a twist we create space between the vertebrae so we lengthen the spine and get space between the bones. Our energy can flow better.
- Twist are neutralizing poses so they are good to do after or between strong heart openers or forward bends.
- Twist are working in the center of the body: the abdominal, the obliques, the muscles that support the movement of our spine, and the pelvis.
- Twists aids digestion. In a twist we give a massage to the organs so they create movement in and around the organs.
- Make shure you do your twist correctly!!!
- In seated twists: ground through the sitting bones.
- Make shure your back is straight. -> Use a block if your spine is rounding.
- Twist from the lower spine up=> the lumbar part rotates 5 degrees, the toracic spine rotates 35 degrees and the cervical spine rotates around 50 degrees.
NOTE= Not one person is the same, so the mobility will be different for every single body.
NOTE= To avoid the neck doing all the work, involve the whole spine by starting the twist from the lower spine - working up – with the neck turning last.
- What to do with the pelvis and hips? Should you stabilize or turn?
Twists are taught in different ways, with some teachers/styles saying the hips should stay completely level or the sitting bones completely fixed to the floor as you twist. This makes for a deeper twist in the areas of the spine which are able to move. To do this more safely you need to really draw the thighbones back into the hip sockets (not just engage the quads but make it a whole leg movement).
Other teachers say that it is easier on the SI joint to let the opposite hip lift slightly, this is a more natural movement for the body.
- When to avoid twists?
Pregnancy - If you’re pregnant some twists should be skipped because of the pressure they place on the abdominal cavity. For example Twisted Triangle or Revolved Side Angle Pose. Gentle open twists like Parivritta Janu Sirsasana are ok after the first trimester.
Source => EkhartYoga Yoga online